Consulting for self-employed and decision-makers

Making sustainable and sensible decisions in IT procurement with foresight


We help you to recognise and reduce dependencies in IT, as well as providing training on how much effort is really behind an activity


For individuals and EPUs to achieve more with a small budget and for decision-makers for better employee communication


Independent, customised to your corporate philosophy with a focus on reducing technical debt and sustainable innovation

Sustainable cost savings in IT

Recognising cost drivers and miracle bags

Another invoice from the IT service provider with a price increase, without knowing what was actually done? The web designer is reminded 3 times within 4 weeks to make a small change to the website? Extra fees from the agency because you need a DNS change and you are denied the access data?

We know such problems from our everyday lives and also the associated - sometimes unnecessary - costs that are caused by them, in addition to the requirement that some changes must be made promptly. Why hire an unreliable handyman to hang a picture when you can do it yourself and save yourself a lot of stress?

In our IT coaching and IT consulting for the self-employed and managers, we address precisely these issues so that you can make better and more sustainable decisions in the long term. You don't need to be a mechanic to change a light bulb, but you do need to be able to estimate the actual effort involved.

Practical examples

SEO with contract

Initial situation:
Contract for SEO optimisation over a term of 6 months for 490,-- plus VAT/month without exact target definition

Customer with ‘Company XY, location’ in 1st place, no result with generic keywords, no significant increase in impressions/visitors according to Google Search Console

Costs: 2.940,-- plus VAT / term
Expense: unknown

Changing DNS records

Initial situation:
Precise specification of the entries by the customer by e-mail so no queries from the agency necessary

Creating a TXT record for Google Search Console
Creating an A record for a subdomain
Done after a week

Costs: 150,-- plus VAT / duration
Effort: 15min

stay curious and open-minded

You only learn from your mistakes

Have you ever observed the approach of small children who approach a problem with an open mind or ask the meaning behind a statement made by an adult? Children want to understand the reason behind a reason and are rarely satisfied with an adult's first answer.

In addition to raising awareness of the actual costs involved, the aim of coaching should be to achieve a sustainable reduction in costs and a more critical attitude towards traditional marketing promises. In addition, it makes sense to acquire a certain understanding of IT with the advantage of understanding the actual scope of services and saving costs, e.g. by creating a basic concept for a website yourself and finalizing it through the expertise of experts in discourse.

Our coaching is therefore suitable for private individuals and sole traders who want to achieve more with smaller budgets, as well as for managers and decision-makers who want to delegate better to their employees or assess the effort involved more realistically

Questions about website, conception and web design

Branding and conception

  • Which colors should I choose for my branding and my website?
  • What should I consider when designing a logo for print and web?
  • How do I create a concept to save agency costs?
  • What legal aspects should be considered for websites?
  • What should be considered when taking photos and copyright?

SEO and Marketing

  • How do I set up a Google company profile?
  • What should I consider when it comes to SEO and Adwords?
  • How do I measure campaigns, leads and visitors?
  • What are the advantages of technical SEO and when does it make sense?
  • What are backlinks and why should I blog?

Contracts, purchasing and acceptance

  • How do I recognize templates and actual, individual designs?
  • When does a specification and/or requirements specification make sense?
  • What should I pay attention to when I commission an online shop?
  • What is a change request and how much more expensive can it be?
  • What points should you pay attention to when accepting a website?

Web hosting, infrastructure and operations

  • On what basis should I choose my web host?
  • What is the difference between a maintenance contract and an SLA?
  • What points should I pay attention to when it comes to cyber security?
  • Does Microsoft 365 make sense and how do you set it up properly?
  • Which backup strategy makes sense and what is disaster management?

independent consulting

Reduce IT sprawl

Our experience shows that the problems, issues and preferences of our customers vary greatly depending on the size of the company and the industry. There are several approaches to solving every IT problem. We usually present three solutions that we believe best fit the company philosophy and compare the advantages and disadvantages.

The basic principle: There is no software that only offers advantages, just as there is no programming language that is perfectly suited to every application - and not everything can be digitized in a "meaningful" way.

Another part of our IT consulting is to reduce existing technical debt or to identify it preventively before an IT project is implemented. Of course, technical debt is a cost factor, but over a certain period of time it is usually cheaper than ignoring the problems.